Happy Monday famoo, you know what time it is. Good Samo Of The Week.

19 Sep 2022, 14:58
Happy Monday famoo, you know what time it is 😉 Good Samo Of The Week ❤️ Incognito - Incognito has been a loyal Samo Famo member since late last year when he hopped in the discord! Since then he has been crucial for not only others trying to learn about Web3 but the entire Samo community and what we all stand for. Whether it be helping newcomers into the community, answering questions, or sharing alpha he always has our backs. A much-deserved Good Samo Of The Week to the one and only, we all appreciate the dedication! The Alpha Dog on YouTube 🐶 Missed out on the most recent Alpha Dog Twitter Spaces? No worries famo, you can check out all of the recordings on YouTube!! Watch NOW 👉 Samo Stickers available until THURSDAY 🔥 Just a reminder, Samo Stickers on Aten will be available until this THURSDAY 9/22! You can pay with $USDC or $SAMO using Solana Pay here ➡️